The National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) of the Sophia Agrobiotech Institute, in France, the Regional Institute for Floriculture (IRF), in Sanremo, and the National Research Council Plant Protection Institute (CNR-IPP), in Turin, launched the community project Alcotra FIORIBIO2 for the sustainable development of the floriculture sector in the Italian-French cross-border region.


The two-year (2013-2014) project aims to support local companies in the creation of integrated production systems that are environmentally friendly and economically sustainable and meet the increasingly demanding criteria of European and national brands and propagation material quality standards.


The project is divided into several actions, involving:


The monitoring and identification of emerging or re-emerging biothreats (fungi and bacteria in particular) for floriculture in our territory;

The identification of specific protocols for the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the ranunculus production chain;

The creation of an IT platform (FIORIBIO Data Market) for the acquisition of in situ samples and the development of intervention decision models;

The creation of a quality arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi production chain useful for floriculture;

Training for sector companies and operators and dissemination of the results achieved.

The methodological approach envisages close interactions with the production world through seminars, dedicated event days and the development of relations with companies in the area of interest.






28/04/2014 - IRF Open Door


16/05/2014 - Riviera Food Festival


12/11/2014 - Phytosanitary Meetings